Kalsio®+ is a natural calcium supplement. Calcium may assist in the normal growth and maintenance of bones, teeth, nervous system and muscle function.
Kalsio®+ Capsules are a complete protein based calcium supplement with Vitamin D to assist with general bone health (Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts).
Advanced Bone Health
If you need assistance in:
- Accelerating bone growth
- Stopping bone depletion
And/or have:
- Osteoporosis
- Bone depletion
- Broken Bones
- Fractures
- A lack of calcium intake
- Require assistance with bone growth
We recommend moving from conventional calcium supplements and introduce a balanced calcium product in a natural form.
Kalsio®+ Composition
- 100% Marine Hydroxyapatite
- Natural Marine bone
- Readily absorbed unlike conventional calcium supplements
- High nutritional benefits
- Correct 2:1 Ratio of Calcium to Phosphorus
No additives and DOES NOT contain Yeast, Starch, Gluten, and Fillers Wheat, artificial colour or additives.
Kalsio®+ Unique features
- Now with added vitamin D for greater absorption.
- The first 100% Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite Marine supplement produced from selected fish species offered to Australia.
- A complete protein based calcium supplement.
- The only type of Calcium supplement to have supportive characters such as calcium binding peptides. (FBP) Fishbone Peptides are known for their attraction to calcium salts.
- The only type of calcium supplement presenting CO-factors proteins – FBP, collagen, phosphorous, magnesium, glycosaminogylcans and amino acids.
- The only calcium supplements in organic and inorganic form – excellent supportive properties – a synergistic approach to support bone health.
- The only calcium that is a natural 2:1 ratio with phosphorous.
- Has collagen and Fishbone Peptides in the form of proteins, which have shown excellent transportation properties.
- The bio-available results demonstrated the highest calcium transportation results over a 4 hour period.
- The solubilised calcium results confirmed all transported through the gut wall lining.
- The only type of calcium supplementation existing in natural form. No additives. 100% selected fine fish bone.
- Most recent research confirmed the growth of Bone cells (Osteoblasts) and the inhibition (suppression) of Bone degradation (Osteoclasts).